
Exeter to Killerton

About this route

This route takes you from Exeter (Pennsylvania and University Campus) to Killerton.  The distance shown is for one way; there is a return option via bus (No. 1 Service), or you can retrace the route (for a total of 12 miles).

There is lots to see including: nature, wildlife, history and archaeology. There are views over Exe, Culm and Clyst Valleys and the walk ends at historic Killerton House and Park (National Trust) where refreshments are available.

This is a very varied route with some sections on surfaced paths and tracks; some on unsurfaced footpaths and some sections on quiet country roads. There is one short section on a busier minor road and several moderate hills. A few sections can be muddy following wet weather, so stout footwear is advised.

Getting Around

Getting to The Start: Pennsylvania, Exeter. Junction of Pennsylvania Road and Argyll Road. Take a P Bus from Exeter city centre. Or a ten minute walk from top of University of Exeter Campus (Northcott Theatre, Great Hall, Innovation Centre etc) via Belvedere Road or Higher Hoopern Lane.

Return journey: Bus available (Stagecoach no.1 Service) back to Exeter from near Killerton at Budlake, or from Broadclyst, or retrace route on foot.

Killerton: Broadclyst, Exeter, Devon, EX5 3LE

Killerton: Toilets, café, parking, picnic area, garden centre and gift shop.
Terrain includes surfaced paths and tracks, unsurfaced footpaths, which can be muddy, sections on quiet country roads and one short section on busier minor road. There are some gates but no stiles and several moderate hills.
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Interesting information

This walk takes you to Killerton, a grand Georgian house with beautiful landscape gardens and parkland now in the care of The National Trust. There is lots to explore and is a whole day out in itself.

The route includes travel along lanes sunken between high hedgebanks, known as hollow ways; these are often very ancient routes. And you will enjoy fine views across Stoke Woods, the Exe Valley and the Raddon Hills. And from the high point of the ridge you can see across the Culm Valley and catch your first distant sight of the wooded volcanic hill where Killerton, your destination on the edge of the Clyst Valley, is located.

Halfway along the route you pass through the village of Huxham. Huxham was a medieval parish and is mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086. The church is of 14th Century construction, but has an earlier Norman font.

Photo of Killerton Chapel
Killerton Chapel by Sarah Charlesworth