Devon is beautiful – help to keep it that way!
The summer bank holiday is the perfect opportunity to get outside and explore Devon’s amazing countryside. Where ever you go this summer please look after our amazing wildlife and environment and be safe.
Explore Devon is filled with some amazing walks, trails and sites to visit from fantastic landscapes to local heritage, but we recommend you plan ahead. Find out what is open in your local area on the Ordinance Survey’s Get Outside, Stay Local website.
We live in a beautiful part of the world and you can continue to explore and find trails that are local to you:
- MyLocalPaths on the DCC environmental viewer gives you access to a detailed set of Devon Right of Way routes on your phone, tablet and computer
- There’s more history on your doorstep than you realise. Visit our DCC environment viewer
- Discover a great new way to get outside with your family with a treasure trail.
Wherever you go this summer please look after our amazing environment and follow the Countryside Code – #RespectProtectEnjoy.
- Respect everyone you meet
- Protect the environment
- Enjoy the outdoors
Litter has a negative impact on our beautiful countryside and represents a risk to wildlife and livestock; it can also be a fire hazard. So carry off what you carry on. Come prepared, bring a bag and take your litter home.
Your rubbish your responsibility. Find a bin or take it home.
Please follow the latest government coronavirus advice in accessing green space safely.