World Mental Health Day – 10 October 2020

Saturday 20th October 2020 is World Mental Health Day when organisations around the world raise awareness of mental health issues and encourage us all to think about our own mental health.

Getting outside, enjoying our amazing natural environment and connecting to nature is proven to have a positive effect on our physical and mental health and wellbeing. Particularly in these difficult times, and especially during lockdown, a lot of us found an escape to nature.

Mindfulness is an age-old practice of focusing on the moment, and mindfulness in nature can be very beneficial for your mental and physical health. The Woodland Trust and the National Trust, in partnership with Aquafolium, have produced an amazing series of videos guiding you through mindfulness activities at Fingle Woods that you can do on your next visit or whilst exploring your local greenspace. You can view the videos here:

Find ideas for getting out and exploring Devon’s amazing natural environment on the Explore Devon website, or visit the Natural Devon Naturally Healthy October activities webpage.

Be Naturally Healthy!