
Start Point to Prawle Point

About this route

Start Point to Prawle Point is a truly beautiful stretch of south Devon coastline. It is underlain by rocks that are very different to those of the rest of Devon. These are known as mica schist – found at Start Point (SX 828372), and hornblende schist, which has a green tint and is found at Prawle Point (SX 772352).

These rocks are the result of intense pressure and heat acting on the original rocks during a collision of tectonic plates. The mica schists were originally shales, siltstones and sandstones, whilst the hornblende schists were once lavas and ashes, all probably of Devonian age.

Getting Around

On foot: The South West Coast path runs through the site. The section between Start Point and Prawle Point is almost 6 miles in length.

By road: The site can be accessed from the A379 via minor roads, the easiest access point is Prawle Point.

Parking is available at the National Trust car park at Prawle Point, Lannacombe Beach (limited parking) and Start Point.
Footpath along the coastline, steep and challenging terrain, please take care.

OS Maps

OS grid reference: SX821376 - 769356

For More Information

National Trust

Interesting information

The area displays good examples of beach platforms including the present wave-cut platform in the intertidal zone. An older beach platform occurs just above the present beach and extends back to an old cliff line. Deposited on this older platform are raised beach deposits which consist of beach sand and cobbles mixed with rock debris, known locally as ‘head’, deposited as a result of rock movement during the Ice Age.

This site is a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Site of Special Scientific Interest and Special Area of Conservation.

Please stay on the public footpath.  There are dangerous cliff faces along the site, both above and below the public footpath. Please check tide times before planning your visit.

Landscape photo of Prawle Point showing coastal fields and rocky shore
Prawle Point by Derek Harper

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